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Everything posted by berlina

  1. berlina


    Opel Classic im Hessenshau
  2. berlina

    X - csevegés

    Manta-Mania Leben für ein Kultauto Das DMAX Doku reportage
  3. nicsak, milyen jó kis segédletet dobtak össze a scrácok: http://www.opelclub.com/MarchApril2008Blitz.pdf
  4. srácok mi az a bigyó a jobb e lámpánál? rostfrei
  5. Bitter gecheckt http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLyefBgARVQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVxKZSoWXro alles klar viel spass
  6. az előbb láttam a villamosból a Senator orrú kombit, az A oszloptól hátra egy az egyben A Omega.
  7. Heinz Zettel nyugdíjba megy, Wolfgang Scholz váltja az Opel Classic-nál http://www.lifepr.de/pressemeldungen/adam-...oxid-92013.html
  8. jó kevertem tényleg sorry ez a betűkülönbség teszi, sose ál rá az agyam: ami D Rekord az B Commo
  9. Volt gyári Commodore B CarAvan, 3ezres motorral, sima Rekord E2 kombi Commodore jellemzőkkel.
  10. berlina

    X - csevegés

    A utolérhetetlen Manta és a KGST utánfutó esete:
  11. berlina


    A mostanában német gyártótól forgalmazott 6hengeres CIH motorhoz szánt vízpumpa 1 334 009 Typ H OP 30 1208 cikkszámmal lényeges gyárihibával rendelkezeik: az egyik viszkót tartó csavarhely jobbmenetesre sikerült bal helyett, ami a ventillátor elszabadulását okozhatja 5-10km után is. Csavarrögzítőanyag a csavart és a ventillátort megfelelő erővel megtartani nem tudja, ezért a vízpumpa beépítése semmiképpen nem ajánlott. Gyártó nyilatkozata szerint a vízpumpát visszacseréli.
  12. berlina

    X - csevegés

    hát lecseréltem végül az olajat benne, mint a szurok sokáig húzódott mer épp nem volt itthon csak metrikus olajszűrő... lesíkoltam az olajpumpafedelet is hamár ott vagyok, közben az a fránya beöntőhernyócsavar meg beletépődött elosztóból kellett föltölteni most meg nemindul ez vacak, a fene eszi ezt a hülye elektronikát berhelhetem ebbe a hidegbe
  13. mekem átathatod, ha nem fér a polcodon, mit kérsz érte? (van egy állványom már direkte 4esváltók tárolásához)
  14. Mercin, BMW-n is volt, úgyhogy nem kellene, hogy nehéz legyen találni de ha végképp nem megy: www.ruddies-berlin.de/
  15. berlina

    X - csevegés

    1974 A Mustang felveszi a versenyt a Manta-val, de elbukik PS 03/74
  16. berlina


    ... és ha már Kadett, akkor mért ne lehetne GT is? car that can travel 75 miles or more on just four quarts of the expensive liquid A GT átalakítási leírása $25-ért: http://www.motherearthnews.com/shopping/de...itemnumber=1764
  17. berlina


    GM Builds a Plug-In Hybrid ... in 1969 Toyota and General Motors are neck-and-neck in the race to put a plug-in hybrid in your driveway, but they're recycling an idea GM explored almost 40 years ago and tossed aside like a depleted battery. The concept car with the cumbersome designation XP-883 was nothing more than an experiment relegated to history, but it worked a lot like the Toyota Prius and Saturn Vue plug-in hybrids the two companies are working on today. It was sufficiently ahead of its time for Popular Science to call it "radical" and ask, "wouldn't it be great to have a car that changed from electric drive for use around town to gasoline power for highway driving?" "It makes so much sense," the magazine wrote in July, 1969, "that we feel they're missing a bet if they don't put it in production." The XP-883 looked like an Avanti hatchback or the AMC Gremlin's prettier sister. At 122.2-inches long, 57.3-inches wide and 46.3-inches high, it was a little bigger than a Smart ForTwo and a little smaller than a Honda CRX. It had a fiberglass body for light weight, but just what it weighed has been lost to history. The heart of the car was a 35 cubic inch (573 cc) two-cylinder engine -- small enough to be exempt from the emissions rules of the day -- coupled with a DC motor powered by six lead-acid batteries just like the one under your hood. You could tool around in all-electric mode or in gas-electric mode, according to PopSci. In hybrid mode, the electric motor did all the work to about 10 mph, at which point the gasoline engine took over. If you needed to really get up and go, the engine and motor worked in tandem. Still, the car was as slow as it was advanced. Top speed was just 60 mph, and it needed 28 seconds to get there -- making it only slightly faster than a Citroen 2CV6. The series-wound motor was placed coaxially with the front drive shafts and drove them through a planetary reduction gear and a differential. The engine was mounted ahead of the motor. The batteries were mounted under the cargo area between the rear wheels, just like modern-day hybrids. A flywheel alternator kept them charged, and there was an onboard charger you could plug into a 115-volt socket to top them off at home. "You may think this little hybrid is pretty far advanced," PopSci wrote, "but the fact is it could be built today. It's not held up because the engineers are searching for a breakthrough." Photos copyright GM Corp. Used with permission, GM Design. ----------------------------------------------------- This car was only a non-running mockup. The real, running hybrid containing the actual drive train was an aluminum-bodied blue-painted car nowhere near as nicely styled as this prototype. I worked on and did all the wiring and road testing on the blue hybrid. It was part of a GM exhibit named "Parade of Power" or something like that and also contained running examples of GM experimental cars that operated on steam(Pontiac GranPrix), fuel cell (Chevy Van), all electric (Corvair), a streamlined all electric "Golf Cart", a Sterling engine (Opel),another streamlined golf cart gasoline powered, the hybrid previously mentioned, the famous gas turbine Firebird, and a three-wheeled needle-nosed car powered by an Opel engine. If anyone can find the copies of Motor Trend or Mechanix Illustrated of that period there are pictures of four of the cars on the magazine covers, with yours truly driving the blue hybrid............... Posted by: Edju | Sep 16, 2008 7:49:22 AM http://blog.wired.com/cars/2008/09/priustoric----g.html
  18. berlina


    teszt '68: Popular Science 1968 dec
  19. én csak annyit látok, h Bfüred-Szilvás-BP hol az az avatar? B) nekem is csak alkatrésznek kell
  20. helo, nos lehet engem érdekelne úgy ahogy van küldj egy telszámot püben
  21. 2008. 12.28. 18. óra! CSALÁNOSI CSÁRDA 1. GSiCsabi + Ancsa 2. Morgó + Móni (+1?) 3. Losi + Timi 4. Joee (+Reni 50%) 5. J0hnny + Lilly 6. Udi 7. Endyka + Évi (80%) 8. Paja + Márti 9. Gepard + Timi 10. Zoli 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
  22. berlina

    X - csevegés

    na az régen úgy volt, hogy az autók sárvédö nélkül mentek haza hegyeshalomnál: lehetett kapni újat is veterántalin mesélte az öreg
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