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pontosabban: Kadett E 4S

kicsit jobb képek:

Opel Freunde Salzböden







az Opel Bastos Texaco Team szineiben 1986 Paris-Dakar


Guy Colsoul

40. helyen, míg Erwin Weber a 37 helyen ért célba (erről nincs fotó)

szóval a Gruppe B-ben indult és akart sikereket elérni, csak közben a B csoport megszünt...

egyébként azt írja:


And this same story kept repeating itself. Opel was working on a group B/group S car, the Kadett 4S based on the Kadett E/Astra MkII shell. Again Opel went shopping at independent tuners and tried to put the pieces together. This ended in quite some PR embarrassment as Opel proudly announced they had this superb 500BHP engine, only for the press to realise – and of course taking profit of this farce – that what Opel praised in highest respects was a Ford engine they purchased through Zakspeed!

Később egy kis visszalépéssel újra a 400as motort építették be, hogy az S osztályban indulhasson, amely osztályt végülis nem indították el.

itt írja: http://www.rallye-info.com/carspecs.asp?car=219

note: As it seems Opel realised already before its launch that the Manta was not a big enough step forward, so not long after its launch Opel started working on a proper group B supercar, called Opel Kadett 4S. Opel showed some fantasy with the car as - apart from 4x4 - it had a mid engine that was located behind the front axle rather than in front of the rear axle. Early versions had a 500BHP Zakspeed Turbo engine, but then the discussion of replacing group B by group S for the end of 1987 came and Opel replaced the Zakspeed engine by its known Manta 400 engine, making this an ideal group S car. However the accidents in 1986 meant group B was stopped and group S never happened, such the Kadett 4S was a stillborn project. The groupB Kadett 4S actually even started one rally, the British national Audi Sport Rally, where Andrew Wood finished 4th behind 2 Ford RS200 and a Metro 6R4. This event was in

October 1986, 2 months before the ban of groupB, which very much proves how unlucky the timing of the project was.

(De ez utóbbi infónak ellentmond a Paris-Dakar eredmény, tehát a ralley-info.com információit se szabad készpénznek venni.)

további infó:



Csak érdekességképpen :

information for Group B cars:



Huhh ne mán Berlina milyen indíttastásból nyitottad ezt a topicot? De sokat gondolkoztam rajta, hogy jó lenne egy ilyen, de aszittem, csak én vok 4x4 mániás Kadettos :-))

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