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Ugye milyen finomat sütöttem? :D

Pesta Te végülis hol aludtál? :lol:

Anyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out ThereAnyone Out There :lol: :lol: :D Nehogy kimenjen a dallam! :D :D :D

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De most komolyan hogy lehetsz olyan hülye hogy a benyakúton alszol a kocsidban? :lol:

Lóbelt nem tok menni me a főnökcsaje beállt a kapuba a csodás újfiatbravojával.

Ne légy már ilyen konformista és kicsinyes, te is elaludtál a kombiban neeeeeeeeeeeemmmmmmmmmm ? :lol: :D :D :D

Megkérni nem lehet, hogy álljon arébb ? :lol:

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